Ellenbrook Secondary College
100 Main Street, Ellenbrook Western Australia, Australia 6069
T: 08 9297 9700
E: Ellenbrook.SC@education.wa.edu.au
To notify us of your child’s absence: please contact us on the “Compass School Manager App” or email Ellenbrook.SC.Absentees@education.wa.edu.au
Parent and Citizen Association
For more information on our Parents & Community Assocation (P&C), please email Escpandc@gmail.com
Email a teacher
Parents are encouraged to communicate with teachers about their child’s progress at school or issues that may impact their child’s learning. You can contact your child’s teachers directly through the Connect portal.
Connect with us online
The College is adopting the use of the Department of Education learning platform called Connect.
Connect allows teachers, students and parents to view information to assist with student learning in specific classes.
Download the Connect parent guide for more information about this online program.