Pastoral Care

Students have a team of staff members dedicated to supporting them with their pastoral care needs. This includes matters regarding mental health and wellbeing, social and emotional support, practical issues (uniform, attendance, etc.) and academic questions, such as subject selections, career pathways, homework and more.

The College prides itself on having a strongย Student Support Centre. We have a team specialising in positive behaviour support, who focus on the many aspects of student wellbeing. Throughout the school year, the Support Centre facilitates a range of activities and discussions for students which cover essential topics like social media usage, bullying and mental health.

All students are allocated to a House when they begin at the College, which they will be connected to for Home Room, carnivals and a number of other features of College life. Students can participate in these activities to win points for their Houses and to be a strong part of the Ellenbrook Secondary College community.

Students are also given the opportunity to earn House Points for displaying the College values of Engagement, Success and Community, with the opportunity to be rewarded as the winning House at the end of the year.

Our Student Support Officers (SSO) are the main support personnel in Student Services. They work tirelessly with students to discuss their education pathways, personal or social matters and work with an array of people to develop supportive strategies and to guide students through their educational pathways. The SSOโ€™s communicate and liaise with students, parents, teachers and other Student Services personnel.