Career Hub

Welcome to Ellenbrook Secondary College Career Hub, a platform where students, parents and staff can access career related information. There is a link below to access My Future, this site can help with preparing for the world of work and gaining employment, whether it be casual, part time or full time. If you have a Department of Education email you can use your single sign on to access My Future. ย In particular, there is a page under Students called Job seeker resources that has some example resumes, covering letters and articles to help you when preparing for applying for work. My Future is available to everyone and there is information for Students, Educators and Parents/ Carers. ย Any additional information will be shared from time to time using Compass or Connect.

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Career Practitioner

My name is Kristy Hackford and I am the Career Practitioner here at Ellenbrook Secondary College.

My role at the College is to provide expert advice on career related topics that address the individual needs of students, this includes course counselling, pathway planning for students focused on tailoring their learning to a particular field of interest to enhance opportunities, providing career and further education advice, as well as assisting students with queries about university and other tertiary learning centres. I am also developing ways to embed career education into lessons across a range of year groups.

I can also help students with resumes, covering letters and preparing portfolios for applying for work or university. I can also help you with TISC, TAFE or University applications, when pathway planning beyond Year 12.

I look forward to helping both students and parents with any career related enquiries and can be contacted via email,ย  in person, I am located in the HaSS Office near LC1 or phone 9297 9700.