City of Swan Young Community Citizen of the Year

Congratulations to Elyssa Mullaley (Class of 2020) for winning the City of Swan Young Community Citizen of the Year. This is a huge achievement for Elyssa, and she is a worthy recipient. We caught up with Elyssa to ask her what this award meant to her and what her plans were for the future. She also has some great advice for our current students.

“It was a surprise, and an honour to be nominated for, let alone win, the City of Swan Young Community Citizen of the Year. Thank you to Ms Fragall for nominating me. Academically, Year 11 and 12 was not easy. It was nice to be recognised for the extra-curricular areas that I was, and continue to be, involved in giving back to the community and giving me extra connectedness and enjoyment.

This year I am studying for a double degree in Exercise & Sports Science and Business at ECU to work in the area of Sports Administration in the future. I am also refereeing futsal at the Ellenbrook Sports Hub and working as a Prime Intervention tutor, Ellenbrook.

The thing I miss most about school is the ease with which you can try new things, engage in representative and school community activities such as carnivals, musicals, leadership when they are all right in front of you. You don’t have to go looking for them; you just have to turn up and be involved. I encourage all current students to embrace the opportunities school offers”.

Elyssa Mullaley – City of Swan Young Community Citizen of the Year.